This-N-That's Kalideoscope
Springwater's Cherry Berry

May 2004 grey overo bred gelding with a wide blaze & blue eyes. "Rizzo" is a VERY correct and elegant colt, built for halter & driving. He will be a National Level show gelding!! His personality is wonderful. He wore a halter for the first time the day he was gelded. He allowed Mia (3) to lead him and hold him for the majority of his day long vet visit. He will excel as a youth and open level show horse. He is also eligible for the AMHR and Super G Futurities. Photos at two days old.

Flying A's In The Spotlight
Foaled in 2003
Bay Mare

"BEBE" is a lovely & refined little mare. Her sire is Schrandt's Sunny Side Up (sire of Flying A's Hearts Afire, multiple National Reserve GRAND Champion Mare). Her dam is "Crystal". Bebe is a very small, refined filly that has a BIG, snappy trot just like her Daddy! She should mature about 32"!

Whispering Oaks Crystal Light
35.5" ~ AMHR
greyed silver dapple

"CRYSTAL" is a very pretty arabian type mare that produces small refined foals. Currently being bred to "Bandit", a 32.75" homozygous black & white. One of Crystals' gorgeous sons, Cook's Prime Light, is a senior herd sire for Dreamweaver Farm and is producing spectacular, show quality foals.

Springwater's Cherry Berry

32.5" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 1991
Sorrel mare with flaxen mane and tail

"Cherry Berry" is a consistent producer of correct and loud colored halter quality foals. She is in foal to Flying A Magic's Caped Crusader (homozygous tobiano) for a PINTO 2005 foal! Cherry Berry has a wonderful, people friendly personality and is an easy breeder and foaler. My 3 year old leads her by her mane!

Golden Venus
1999 ASPC 41"
Silver bay

"GARNET" is a foundation certified, classic shetland mare. She is in foal to Van-Lo's Sample The Dream, a black frame overo for 2005. She produced a lovely filly by this same stallion in 2003 and a STUNNING sorrel medicine hat filly by him in 2004. Garnet has a wonderful, people friendly personality. She is sweet, easygoing and very tolerant.

Rocky Ridge Little China Blossom
35.5" ~ AMHR
Sorrel Mare with a flaxen mixed mane & tail.

"Blossom" is an incredibly lovely and correct mare. She is the Dam of Indian Bluff's Sheban Princess, who was exported to IRELAND in 2004! This gorgeous mare has been bred very limitedly by her owner's choice and is 100% breeding sound. She is in foal to Flying A Magic's Caped Crusader, a 32.5" homozygous black pinto for 2005.

Scootch, miniature donkey gelding for sale

~ "Scootch" ~
Foaled in 1999
grey miniature donkey gelding.

  What a ham! Scootch is a personable longear who will win your heart. Space issues force us to find him a new home. He is sweet, loving and very well integrated as part of a mini or pony herd. He has also been pastured with big horses and large ponies. A VERY easy keeper and a sweetheart.

Little America's Teddy Blue
9 year old
silver bay gelding
Little America's Teddy Blue
Little America's Teddy Blue
Little America's Teddy Blue
Little America's Teddy Blue

Teddy is the ultimate FAMILY horse. He tolerates almost ANYTHING with good grace and patience. He rides on the leadline and drives. He also will jump, just not really high :-)

He is a VERY motivated driving horse that likes to go, go, go. He will go all day and ask for more. He is not for the novice driver or the very young youth driver. He is currently being handled at halter by a not quite three year old and shown (and driven at home) in harness by a very skilled 11 year old.

He has been shown in arena driving and has competed in CDE's very successfully with youth and adult drivers. He prefers to be the "one and only" ultra special horse and not just part of a herd. He does well in a group, but absolutely thrives on special, one on one attention.

Redwing Razz Ma Tazz

Redwing Razz Ma Tazz
35" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 1999

Rocket is a VERY nice potential show gelding for anyone.

Flying A's Smooth Operator
Flying A's
Smooth Operator

Foaled in 2002
29" Black bay
"WHISKEY" is a lovely refined gelding with elegant looks and lovely, smooth action.

lying A's Maybe A Foolish Pleasure

lying A's Maybe A Foolish Pleasure

lying A's Maybe A Foolish Pleasure
Flying A's Maybe A Foolish Pleasure
35" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 2002
Chestnut roan

"ROMY" is a very elegant gelding. He has GREAT all around show potential.

March 19, 2004
Dam-Rhapsody's Kaptivating Karma

AMHR eligible, Bright copper sorrel, overo bred filly with a wide blaze and white chin. She is exceptionally sweet and very well conformed. Rojo will be competitive in the halter and performance classes. She will mature around 35"-36". Rojo is eligible for the AMHR Futurity.

Flying A Jester's Shout Out Loud Flying A Jester's Shout Out Loud
Flying A Jester's Shout Out Loud Flying A Jester's Shout Out Loud
~ Flying A Jester's Shout Out Loud ~
April 4, 2004
Sorrel Pinto Gelding
Sire: Skippy
Flying A Nimo's Court Jester
Dam: Tango
Flying A Magic's Twist & Shout

WOW! We wanted a national Champion level gelding and that's what this little guy is!! He is a STUNNING arab type gelding with a chest and rear that won't be denied. If you want to WIN, this is the colt for you!!!!He is willing, sweet and just feisty enough to let the competition know they are in trouble. He has been around and handled by small children. From youth classes to the highest levels of open halter, this little guy has already proven himself and will continue to do so! Rocco is eligible for the AMHR Futurity.
2004 AMHR Nationals
3rd Current Year Geldings, 30" and under
4th Geldings Owned & Bred By Exhibitor, we also bred his sire, dam & 1 granddam!
5th Youth 8-12 Junior Under Geldings, with Kacey Bryan

Flying A Magic's Maybe Indigo Flying A Magic's Maybe Indigo

Flying A Magic's Maybe Indigo

~ Flying A Magic's
Maybe Indigo
AMHR black filly with a star
Hidden Meadows Making Black Magic
Flying A's Maybe Indigo

WOW! This filly has an amazing head and a body that ROCKS. She has a substantial chest & hip, with that gorgeous Arab head & neck. She has the conformation and the "look at me" personality to do VERY well in the show ring. Reena is eligible for the AMHR Futurity.

Flying A's Heart To Heart Flying A's Heart To Heart
Flying A's Heart To Heart
~ "Kara" ~
Foaled in 2002
35" ~ AMHR
Chestnut mare with a blaze.

WOW! The ONLY full sister to Flying A's Heart's Afire available ANYWHERE!!!! Heart's Afire is a THREE TIME AMHR Reserve National GRAND Champion halter horse. Their sire is Schrandt's Sunny Side Up, a HUGE moving black chestnut overo. Their dam is Dennis' Lil Snip, a daughter of Dennis' May (may be seen on our memorial page). This little mare will show or produce halter and DRIVING horses.

C & MS Outlaw/Flying A's About Face
Foaled in 1995
Bay sabino overo bald faced & blue eyed

"BUDDY" is a neat lirrle stallion, Johnston's bloodlines, produces LOUD overo color with almost EVERY foal!!

Congratulations To David & Lara Pier,Tennesee.

Flying A's Maybe A Rowdy Night
36" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 2001
Black with blaze & partially blue eyes.

This impressive gelding is currently in Driving training with Dreamweaver Farm. he is jumping extremely well and is progressing VERY quickly in harness. He is currently showing and placing extremely well.

NEWS FLASH~Blue placed in the National Top Ten in THREE classes at the 2004 AMHR National Championship Show!!
8th Youth Hunter Over, 12 & Younger with Kacey Bryan
7th Youth Roadster Over, 12 & Younger with Kacey Bryan
5th Futurity Roadster Over, with Dana Bryan, Dreamweaver Farms

Congratulations to Joyce Kenes, Michigan. Blue is Joyce's SECOND show horse purchase from Flying A Farm. Look for Joyce, Blue and Ceaser in this ring this year!

Flying A Color's Maybe At Midnight
36.5" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 2002
Black appaloosa mare, blanketed with more color developing daily.

"Chi-Chi" is an awesome filly with lovely conformation, her Dam was the dam & granddam of many of our best show mares. Chi-Chi is now home, getting ready for next year's show season. She is an exceptional young mare with a willing personality and a little fire.

Congratulations to Jamie Sweeny, Missouri. Look for Chi-Chi and Jamie in the ring this year!!!

Zippy wants to come work for you!!!

This adorable little 8 month old, 30" mini GELDED Donkey loves attention and HATES strange dogs! He's wonderful with family dogs & cats, but is SERIOUS about keeping strange dogs away from HIS herd!!

He's the romp-omp-a-stomp real deal,as a visiting family members' terrified blue healer can attest!

Zippy is very sweet and is ready to go to work, so you can get a good night's sleep, knowing your herd is well protected.

~ Flying A's Rockin Robin ~


Golden Sorrel Roan AMHR eligible filly with an irregular blaze, socks/stockings and gorgeous grey eyes.

Redrock Color Me Flashy
Master Little Golden Robinette
Rio already has an exceptional personality. Her sire's amazingly personable nature, coloring and correctness are evident in this little girl. She has her shetland Dam's elegance and style.

Rio also shows strong signs of the sabino overo gene, inherited from her sire. As you can see, she will be an exceptional halter and driving horse. Her sweet nature makes her suitable for a youth exhibitor and as a family show horse that has top potential. Rio is eligible for the AMHR Futurity.

SOLD to Clint and Vivian Sparks, Southern Starr Seven Ranch, Brownsburg, IN

~ Indian Bluff's Wine & Roses ~

March 2004 filly
AMHR Area Five Champion Current Year Mare

Sire: Flying A Magic's Mr. Big Stuff
Dam: Cook's Early Brandy

Indian Bluff Wine & Roses bred, raised and trained by Flying A Farm, but part of the Indian Bluff Herd Dispersal.

2004 AMHR Nationals

7th of 37, Current Year Mares, 28" and under
10th Youth 8-12 Junior Under Mares with Kacey Bryan
Thank you to her new "Mommy" Susan Johnson, Williamsburg, IA



Indian Bluff's Magic's Brandy Alexander
Foaled in 2000
31" ~ black bay stallion
Zander has been SOLD, congratulations to Art and Pam Cooper of their purchase of Zander at Nationals! We know that he has the BEST of homes with you. We look forward to seeing Pam and Zander in the ring next year!!

Flying A Chocolate Sundae
Foaled in 1990
AMHR Registered
Chocolate overo pinto mare

This amazing mare is a AMHR National Champion and two time AMHR National Reserve Champion. She has produced National winning show horses from tiny to tall and in a rainbow of colors. She also has a wonderful "people" personality and loves children.

Choco was trained for harness at 3 and was used in exhibits, parades and was shown once in harness. She was "test ground driven" this summer and she remembered what she was doing! It would not take much work at all to get her back into harness!

Choco is one of a few remaining producing direct daughters of PEPPER (Shadow Oaks Pepper). Her Dam was a sorrel & white pinto mare that produced several other National & Reserve National Champion halter & performance horses. Choco is in foal for 2005 to Van-Lo's Sample The Dream, an ASPC/AMHR black frame overo pinto.

Congratulations Rachel Torres!

Flying A Jester's Jubilee
Foaled in 2003
Dark grey (not greying) appaloosa

"CALLA" is a wonderful little filly. Her sire is "Skippy", and her dam is "Clementine". Calla is another wonderful filly by this pair. She has very animated action, a lovely head, neck and overall conformation. She has a large WHITE spot on the right side of her rump, roaning all over and mottling!

Congratulations to Clint and Vivian Sparks,
Southern Starr Seven Ranch

Supir Star's American Pride
Foaled in 1999
29" ~ AMHR Black Bay Mare

Tuckaway Buddy granddaughter (Belgian Import). This lovely, tiny little mare is a nice example of a very small broodmare with an exceptional head and one blue eye! She is in foal to Flying A Magic's Caped Crusader, a 32.5" homozygous black pinto for 2005.

Congratulations to Clint and Vivian Sparks,
Southern Starr Seven Ranch

Rhapsody's Kaptivating Karma
35.5" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 1993
sorrel sabino overo mare.

"KARMA" had a sorrel filly with a wide blaze and possible belly white in 2004, sired by "Colors" (Redrock Color Me Flashy, 34" sorrrel overo) in 2004. She is bred for 2005 to Flying A Magic's Mr. Big Stuff. This cross should produce loud color and lovely conformation! This mare has an extremely loving personality, before, during and after foaling. She's a consistent producer of loud colored, correct foals with exceptional personalities.

Congratulations to Clint and Vivian Sparks,
Southern Starr Seven Ranch

Lucky Four High Fashion
Sorrel overo pinto mare

"Fashion" has produced four incredibly loud overo foals for us. She is an every other year producing mare, which she more than makes up for by the size, color and quality of her foals, as you can see below!

She is currently being bred to Flying A Magic's Caped Crusader, a 32" black homozygous tobiano that also shows the tovero color pattern. This should be an AMAZING foal!

Congratulations to Clint and Vivian Sparks,
Southern Starr Seven Ranch

Clint and Vivian Sparks,
Southern Starr Seven Ranch
~ Also the proud new home of ~
Flying A's Rockin Robin
Redrock Call Me Colorful
Flying A's Southern Starr (pending)

Flying A Chiantis Celebration
36.5" ~ AMHR
Foaled in 2000
White appaloosa

"CEASAR" is the LAST foal sired by PEPPER, the black son of Chianti. This very upheaded and impressive stallion placed top ten at Nationals this year.

We would like to say congratulations to Joyce Kenes, Brown City, MI on her purchase of this beautiful stallion ! May you have many happy years together!

Lucky Four Red Feather/Flying A Red Feathers
Foaled in 1991
White (greyed) appaloosa mare with a bald face & blue eyes.

"FEATHER" is a consistent producer of loud appaloosa and overo foals. Rebred for 2004 to "Buddy", the sire of her last two loud overo foals.

Congratulations to Feather's new owners, Jay, Terri & Chasta Harrison, Heber Springs, AR

Flying A Splashtacular's Snow Wizard

Flying A's Never On Sundae


Flying A Color's Did Jamaica Mistaka

Congratulations, Melissa Ann Burkhead !

Flying A's Captive Heart
Congratulations, Lori Horner !

Flying A Shawnee's Killian's Red

Flying A's Sheza Spellbinder

Impressibles Lil Golden Star

Flying A Magic's Do You Wanna Dance

Flying A Kajuns Jiminy Cricket /
FA Kajuns Jiminy Cricket

Redwing Pride Of Perfection

Flying A's Maybe My Ransom