Laura and "Magic" in the Parade Of Breeds, University Of Arkansas Horse Festival, March 2004
Mia and "Rocket" (Dreamweaver Farm) after exhibiting the Leadline Class
Who loves ya baby?
Waiting to go in the ring
Melissa (U of A horse program) and former Ozark Mountains Miniatures employee helping out.
Mia, Laura and Hotshot waiting very patiently for the costume exhibit. This was Hotshot's first time in costume, much less pajamas!


Rio and Rojo, the Terrific two-some!

Mia "halter breaking" the terrific twosome, Rio and Rojo. These three girls LOVE each other!


Reena and Rizzo checking out the hay delivery. You have to REALLY check your hay you know! Rizzo also did a little de-wiring while he was under there....oops!

By the way, this is NOT an optical illusion. These two foals were directly under the hay delivery truck!