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Mia and her FISH!!!
Mia and Mommy, Jessica, Casey, Dana and Billy at the lake.

Mia at the MHCNWA Claremore OK Show,
May 2004

Mia, MHCNWA Show, May 2004, Claremore, OK

Keeping cool at the HOT Searcy AR show!

Mia "halter breaking" the terrific twosome, Rio and Rojo. These three girls LOVE each other!

Easter 2004

At the local park, under the playscape, laying in the sand and smiling at Mommy...melting Mommy's heart.

Mia and her new earthworm buddy.....or as Mia says
"Look Mommy an earth-WUM!"
March 2004

Mia with "Rojo" (18 hours old) March 2004

Work, work, work, it never ends! Good thing I like it!

Putting everything away at the end of the day

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